"The Viral Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease: Time to put it to the test!" by Steven P. LaRosa, M.D.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was estimated to affect 35.5 million people worldwide in 2010 and is expected to affect 115.4 million people by 2050. Approximately 10% of people over 65 are affected and 50% of population > 85 are affected. The currently approved drugs provide minimal benefit. The benefit of experimental drugs observed in Phase II clinical trials has been followed by resounding failures in adequately powered Phase III clinical trials. Even the results of the highly publicized Biogen study have significant questions associated with it. It is quite clear that a new strategy must be entertained and tested. Four members of the Human Herpes Virus family have been associated with development of Alzheimer’s disease; HSV-1, VZV, HHV-6A, and HHV-7. HSV-1 is capable in vitro leading to the production the Beta amyloid protein found in senile plaques and phosphorylating tau protein seen in neurofibrillary tangles seen in Alzheimer’s, a phenomenon that can be blocked by co-i...