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Showing posts from June, 2019

“Weaponization of the EMR and HIPAA Against Physicians” by Steven P. LaRosa, M.D.

As a consequence of the Affordable Care Act hospitals were required to implement an electronic medical record (EMR) in the care of patients. These EMRs that we use are largely designed to code and bill but we are completely dependent on them to get the necessary data on patients to care for them. Employed physicians willingly sign on to use these EMRs and undergo the necessary training to use them effectively. What we don’t realize when we sign on is that every key stroke, medical record and tab is being prospectively audited behind the scenes. The reason this is being done is to protect the privacy of patients as outlined by the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996). This is a noble pursuit as whom amongst us wants sensitive information about us accessed by someone who is not caring for us and who could destroy our personal lives or careers with the information obtained. The trouble with the EMR auditing for HIPAA is that it flies in the face of how ...